📺 7th March, 2025: BLDRcon Spring 2025

📺 26th December, 2024: Cloud-Native & Platform Engineering EOY Wrap-up

📝 2nd December, 2024: 24 Days of Kubernetes - Kubernetes Sustainability Thought Leader Interviews

🎙️ 11th June, 2024: Green Software Oslo at NDC Community Tuesday - Exploring best practices for sustainability of Kubernetes clusters and Kubernetes-hosted workloads

🎙️ 9th June, 2024: CNCF Ambassador interview to celebrate Kubertenes 10-year anniversary

🎙️ 19th April, 2024: nCast: The Cloud Optimization Podcast from nOps #12: Optimizing for Sustainability

📺 3rd April, 2024: Microsoft Learn Live - From Day Zero To Production with Azure Container Apps

📺 27th March, 2024: Cloud Native Austria and Saar - KubeCon Recap: Debunking Myths About Environmental Sustainability in the Cloud, Building a Greener CNCF Landscape

📺 21st March, 2024: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024: Cloud Native Sustainability Efforts in the Community - TAG Environmental Sustainability

📺 20th March, 2024: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024: CloudNativeHacks - Panel Discussion Facilitated by The Sustainability Working Group

📺 19th March, 2024: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024: Lightning Talk: Debunking Myths About Environmental Sustainability in the Cloud, Building a Greener CNCF Landscape

🎙️ 25th January, 2024: Green Software Foundation Environment Variables podcast - The Week in Green Software: CNCF TAG Environmental Sustainability

📝 2nd January, 2024: Microsoft Azure Community Blog - Contributor Stories: Kristina Devochko

📺 21st December, 2023: Women in Cloud Native - Journey in Tech & all about Sustainability in Tech w/ Kristina

📺 30th November, 2023: Come Cloud With Us Panel - Microsoft Ignite 2023 After Party

📺 29th November, 2023: Women on Stage Global Virtual Conference 2023 - Exploring chaos engineering…the FUN way!

📺 25th October, 2023: MVP-Dagen Oslo - Exploring GitOps on Azure

📺 9th October, 2023: GSF Oslo October meetup - Getting started with green software and cloud native sustainability

📺 20th September, 2023: Microsoft Build Norway - Exploring DevSecOps controls for Kubernetes throughout the value chain

📺 16th September, 2023: Microsoft Azure Pakistan Community - AKS Survival Pack: what to consider before going all-in with AKS

📝 7th September, 2023: Microsoft Learn Community Content - “Manage cost and optimize resources in AKS with Kubecost”

📝 25th August, 2023: kode24 article - “Lanserer klimanettverk for utviklere”

📺 26th July, 2023: Cloud Lunch & Learn - Managed Kubernetes Service: Day Zero Survival Pack

📺 12th July, 2023: Cloud Lunch & Learn - Deploying microservices to AKS with ADO Environments and multi-staged Pipelines

📺 27th June, 2023: InfoQ Live Panel Discussion - Beyond Default Settings: Evaluating the Security of Kubernetes and Cloud Native Environments

📺 21st June, 2023: Cloud Native and Kubernetes Oslo - Sustainable Kubernetes and how YOU can make an impact

📺 24th May, 2023: NDC Oslo - AKS Survival Pack: what to consider before going all-in with Azure Kubernetes Service

📺 18. April, 2023: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023: Be the Change Our Planet Seeks: How YOU Can Contribute to Running Environment-Friendly Workloads on Kubernetes

📺 20th March, 2023: Azure User Group Norway - Deploying microservices to AKS with Azure DevOps Environments and multi-staged Azure Pipelines

📺 17th March, 2023: DEVREAL Azure Open Source Breakfast - Exploring chaos engineering…the FUN way!

📺 16th March, 2023: KCD Ukraine - Managed Kubernetes Service: Day Zero Survival Pack

📺 28. February, 2023: Wilhelmsen employee event - Security Champions Workshop #3: DevSecOps for AKS

📺 23. February, 2023: KCD Amsterdam - Managed Kubernetes Service: Day Zero Survival Pack

📺 17th February, 2023: Come Cloud With Us - Kubernetes Panel Discussion

📺 15th February, 2023: Welsh Azure User Group - Deploying microservices to AKS with Azure DevOps Environments and multi-staged Azure Pipelines

📺 8th February, 2023: Swetugg 2023 - Standardizing microservice-to-AKS workflow with dotnet custom templates and Azure DevOps

🎙️ 2nd February, 2023: Azure Triumphs – S01E03 – Kristina Devochko

📺 21st December, 2022: Festive Tech Calendar - Can we prevent the Grinch from stealing Christmas with chaos engineering?

📺 6th December, 2022: Microsoft Security User Group - DevSecOps for AKS highlighting different security controls throughout the value chain

📺 24th November, 2022: Pozitive Technologies 2022 conference - Managed Kubernetes Service: Day Zero Survival Pack

📺 25th October, 2022: StreamingClouds - Deploying microservices to AKS using Azure DevOps with Kristina Devochko

📝 21st September, 2022: Computerworld Norway - Portrait Article - “Sjefsarkitekten med et hjerte av gull”

📺 20th September, 2022: Azure Cloud Native - AKS Survival Pack: What to consider before going all-in with Azure Kubernetes Service

📺 19th September, 2022: Azure Back to School 2022 - Deploying microservices to AKS with Azure DevOps Environments and multi-staged Azure Pipelines

📺 10th September, 2022: Azure User Group Sweden - Deploying microservices to AKS with Azure DevOps Environments and multi-staged Azure Pipelines

📺 1st June, 2022: Tech Evening @Novanet - From VM to Azure Kubernetes Service and Azure Container Apps

📺 30th September, 2021: Cloud Stories from Norway, Episode 9: Frequent releases with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

📝 26th April, 2021: How TietoEVRY and Public 360° Promote Growth Mindset and Learning as a Lifestyle - Together with Microsoft