Keeping AKS clusters continuously secure with Azure Policy
🐇This blog post is also a contribution to Azure Spring Clean 2023 where during 5 weekdays of March, 13th-17th, community contributors share learning resources that highlight best practices, lessons learned, and help with some of the more difficult topics of Azure Management. You’re welcome to check out all the contributions here: Azure Spring Clean 2023 As you may know already, Kubernetes doesn’t come with 100% built-in security by default. The same applies for managed Kubernetes service offerings like Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Some cloud providers offer more hardened default configuration for a managed Kubernetes service, some offer less hardened and more beginner-friendly default configuration, but the fact stays the fact - cloud services are a shared responsibility. It means that you’re responsible to properly harden and secure Kubernetes clusters that you’re provisioning in the cloud, also in Azure. ...