Accelerated Networking for AKS nodes
In this blog post I would like to talk about Accelerated Networking, how it can improve internal communication inside an AKS cluster and how you can enable that for Linux and Windows AKS nodes. But first, let's get the basics straight. What is Accelerated Networking and why use it in AKS? Accelerated Networking (AN) is something that has been around in Azure for a few years now - I think I have read about it for the first time around 2018. Until recently this functionality has been mainly mentioned in terms of classic Azure VMs or Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS). It's not that long ago that the possibility for Accelerated Networking got introduced in Azure Kubernetes Service though, especially if we're talking about Windows nodes. When I tested this back in February 2022, support for AN in Windows nodes in AKS was still in private preview but fortunately, a few months later this has been included as part of standard AKS offering. Now, when you create an AKS cluster or a new node pool, be it Linux or Windows, Accelerated Networking will be enabled automatically for you. And this is a reason for celebration, my friend - you'll understand why when I show you the numbers!😼 ...