Continuous Delivery to AKS with Azure DevOps Environments - Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of blog post series on Continuous Delivery to Azure Kubernetes Service with Azure DevOps Environments! In Part 1 we looked into what Azure DevOps Environments are, what benefits they provide and how I would recommend to create ADO environments and resources based on my own experience. If you haven't read Part 1, you can check it out here: Continuous Delivery to AKS With Azure DevOps Environments - Part 1. ...

May 23, 2022 · 16 min · Kristina Devochko

Improving Pull Request flow with PR templates and PR Completion Stats in Azure DevOps

Code reviews and pull requests are a totally normal practice these days if you’re working together with other developers. Even if you’re working solo you probably don’t want to commit to main branch directly if you have CI/CD in place. That’s when adding changes through pull requests and code reviews come into picture. For many organizations and development teams this can be a tough process for many reasons where urgency, time limitations, overload with other tasks play a huge role. Nevertheless we still want to ensure that the established policies are being followed in order to ensure that every single line of code we commit is of highest possible quality. And there are ways we can enforce policies of course. One of the ways are automated checks - this is a really important one since we want to avoid human error or a multi-tasking PR reviewer to miss out on a critical bug in the changeset. But it’s also about humans, about collaboration and making the code review process easier both for the one committing changes and the one reviewing the changes. And for that there are quite a few tools available! ...

May 6, 2022 · 4 min · Kristina Devochko

Continuous Delivery to AKS with Azure DevOps Environments - Part 1

In the first part of this blog series I would like to talk about Azure DevOps Environments, benefits of using it for deployment of applications to AKS or any other Kubernetes distribution (or even a VM), and provide a few tips and tricks for how ADO environments and resources can be created. In Part 2 of this blog post series we'll deploy a test application to AKS with Azure DevOps Environments and take a look at how we can migrate Kubernetes resources between Azure DevOps Environments with a sprinkle of automation. Check out Part 2 here: Continuous Delivery to AKS With Azure DevOps Environments - Part 2 ...

April 30, 2022 · 8 min · Kristina Devochko

Improving .NET code quality with NDepend in Visual Studio and Azure DevOps

What is NDepend? When developing software it’s important to focus on fullfilling customer requirements, providing best possible user experience, performance, security, availability and many other -ilities to ensure success of the software you’re building, as well as keep your current users loyal and happy about your product. It’s equally important to keep the code base maintainable and clean, minimize complexity, dependencies and technical debt, ensure that the new code follows the same quality and design standards as the rest of the code base. This is something that’s extremely difficult to achieve manually, especially when you have a bigger application with tens of developers working on it. Fortunately for us there are many tools in the industry that may help us with this. Recently I got an opportunity to explore and experiment with a tool called NDepend and I would like to share some of the possibilities this tool provides in this blog post. ...

March 17, 2022 · 22 min · Kristina D.