Handling failed Helm upgrade due to another operation in progress

Introduction Sometimes things may go wrong, also during ugprade of the application that is deployed to a Kubernetes cluster with Helm. When something goes wrong, you fix it and re-try a deployment with the new fix included. But then deployment operation fails with following error message: Error: UPGRADE FAILED: another operation (install/upgrade/rollback) is in progress So, what does it mean and how can you fix it? Let’s find out! Controlled, manual fix This happens typically when Helm attempts to roll out a new revision of an application and then something goes wrong in the process, like a bug in an application itself or an issue inside the Kubernetes cluster, which causes the new deployment to never get completed. This faulty deployment becomes dangling, therefore preventing all the future deployments to be rolled out. You can easily check the latest deployment status by retrieving the history of application deployments with helm history. ...

June 20, 2022 · 4 min · Kristina Devochko

Improving Pull Request flow with PR templates and PR Completion Stats in Azure DevOps

Code reviews and pull requests are a totally normal practice these days if you’re working together with other developers. Even if you’re working solo you probably don’t want to commit to main branch directly if you have CI/CD in place. That’s when adding changes through pull requests and code reviews come into picture. For many organizations and development teams this can be a tough process for many reasons where urgency, time limitations, overload with other tasks play a huge role. Nevertheless we still want to ensure that the established policies are being followed in order to ensure that every single line of code we commit is of highest possible quality. And there are ways we can enforce policies of course. One of the ways are automated checks - this is a really important one since we want to avoid human error or a multi-tasking PR reviewer to miss out on a critical bug in the changeset. But it’s also about humans, about collaboration and making the code review process easier both for the one committing changes and the one reviewing the changes. And for that there are quite a few tools available! ...

May 6, 2022 · 4 min · Kristina Devochko