Kris's Quick Cup of (A)K8S #4 - HTTP Application Routing add-on in AKS
⚠️ Please note that the HTTP Application routing add-on for AKS is now deprecated and will be retired on 3rd of March, 2025. Normally if you were to expose an application running in AKS for external access, you would need multiple bits and pieces to be deployed and configured: Ingress Controller to ensure proper traffic routing and load balancing in an AKS cluster; Certificate management solution for automatic obtaining, provisioning, renewing and using of TLS certificates for applications running in AKS clusters; DNS zone and respective DNS records to expose applications on a specific URL for external access; This can be quite a lot to set up and will in some cases be an overhead for dev/test or playground AKS clusters. That’s when HTTP Application Routing add-on can help you out and do all this work for you! 🚀 ...