Creating custom Azure Policy for Kubernetes to disallow non-compliant image registries

There are cases where you may need to explicitly ensure that specific container image registries are blacklisted from being used in your Kubernetes clusters. Let me provide you with a very recent and relevant example. From 3rd April 2023, legacy image registry is officially frozen which means that no images, future Kubernetes versions and patch releases for earlier Kubernetes versions will be pushed to this registry. At some point in the near future this legacy image registry will be completely deactivated. ...

April 4, 2023 · 4 min · Kristina Devochko

Keeping AKS clusters continuously secure with Azure Policy

🐇This blog post is also a contribution to Azure Spring Clean 2023 where during 5 weekdays of March, 13th-17th, community contributors share learning resources that highlight best practices, lessons learned, and help with some of the more difficult topics of Azure Management. You’re welcome to check out all the contributions here: Azure Spring Clean 2023 As you may know already, Kubernetes doesn’t come with 100% built-in security by default. The same applies for managed Kubernetes service offerings like Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Some cloud providers offer more hardened default configuration for a managed Kubernetes service, some offer less hardened and more beginner-friendly default configuration, but the fact stays the fact - cloud services are a shared responsibility. It means that you’re responsible to properly harden and secure Kubernetes clusters that you’re provisioning in the cloud, also in Azure. ...

March 16, 2023 · 14 min · Kristina Devochko

[🎄Azure Advent Calendar🎄] Exploring upgrade strategies in Azure Kubernetes Service

🎄This blog post is also a contribution to Azure Advent Calendar where during December, experts from the tech community share their knowledge through contributions of a specific technology in the Azure domain. You’re welcome to check out all the contributions here: Azure Advent Calendar Have you already seen “Automatic upgrade” property when creating a new AKS cluster in Azure Portal?😺 ...

December 15, 2022 · 17 min · Kristina Devochko

Applying Dockerfile best practices with Hadolint

In this blog post I would like to take a look at how we can ensure that Dockerfiles we create are of high quality and are following best practices in the industry. Tools like Hadolint make it very easy for us to do that and can automate the verification process. If you’re working with containerized applications or are planning on containerizing an application you will most likely be working with a Dockerfile. Dockerfile is a variation of a text file (without a file extension though) where you define a set of instructions for assembling, configuring and starting up your application container image. Those instructions are then compiled during the build process (for example, with docker build command) and are packaged into an artifact, known as a container image, which may then be pushed to a container registry like Docker Hub or Azure Container Registry. ...

November 13, 2022 · 9 min · Kristina Devochko

Monitoring Kubernetes API deprecations with Pluto

If you've worked with Kubernetes for a while you should have seen that version lifecycle that Kubernetes has is pretty aggressive. Kubernetes is being actively developed which means that new releases come out pretty frequently - and all of us who are using Kubernetes, be it a managed or a self-hosted distribution, must adapt and adjust. If not, we may risk running our workloads on unsupported version of Kubernetes with lacking security and functionality fixes. In addition, when the time comes to upgrade there's a big risk that the change gap will be too large from the Kubernetes version you're running and the one you want to upgrade to - this normally ends up in a complicated and unstable upgrade process which I wouldn't recommend to anyone, especially in a production environment…😑 ...

August 14, 2022 · 11 min · Kristina Devochko